Home School Astronomy curriculum is very engaging with wonderful pictures, perfect for any astronomy loving child. I love how it allows my children to go at their own pace. This curriculum is packed full of information, activities, videos, and more! I love that I can pick and choose what I would like to print out while following the the suggested order for each lesson plan. All lessons are available for K-6th grade and Junior High -High school, while each curriculum is the same the K-6th grade curriculum has more pictures with a lower vocabulary level.
While going on a pace of a half and hour on each each day you will finish a lesson in about a week but in the beauty of homeschool you can take all the time you want. Home School Astronomy curriculum could be consider Secular as there are no mention of the age of the universe or its origins in this curriculum. You can find many of samples of the lessons and curriculum on the right hand side of this page.
Home School Astronomy became an official company helping homeschoolers and home school parents “Bring Astronomy Home” in 2009. The author has a Master’s Degree in Education and is an educational consultant for the Smithsonian's Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C. He is also a contributing writer for Rosetta Stone’s Home School Newsletter. He has attended and spoken at many conventions including:
- Great Home School Convention (Cincinnati, OH)
- Great Home School Convention (Hartford, CT)
- CHAP (Christian Home School Association of PA)
- HEAV (Home School Education Association of Virginia)
- NOVA (Northern Virginia) Homeschool convention
- MassHOPE (Massachusetts)
- Florida Convention
- York, PA Convention
I love that when I buy this curriculum I am able to use it over and over again for each child for a full lesson plan or to just brush up on a certain area that they have forgotten. This is a full curriculum with no supplementing needed!
What comes with the curriculum?
1. An Objective
2. Warm up activities
3. The lesson itself
4. Assessment Questions
5. Cross-curricular activities
Full Year of Astronomy
(Both Semesters – 26 Lessons) - $159.70
Just Semester 1
(13 lessons) - $84.35
Just Semester 2
(13 lessons) - $84.35
Available on CD or for Download
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